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Funny Sentence Generator

Generate random silly funny grammatically correct sentences that make no sense
Free to use in your writings, jokes, stories, articles, texts
Click on `Generate`

In terms of jokes, keep them short. Here are some tips:

Write better Jokes
Not everyone knows how to write funny stories
You have to pick your moments, and subjects

  • Try to replicate a joke you heard before, but in your own words.
  • Watch a lot of tv shows and series, again and again. Repeating the action will trigger your brain to renew its thoughts
  • Surprise factor plays an Important role in laughing. So remember that the more Surprise, the more fun.
  • Do not repeat the same joke for the same people, or should you ?
  • If you were to do so, always change the story, add some salt and sugar to it, (figuratively speaking to generate actual funny sentences) make it personal if possible, and add more Surprise.
  • Tell your jokes to your girlfriend, parents, or friends, to see when and where each one laughs. This will help you in better creating grammatically correct funny sentences.
  • Publish your work online, see how the crowd reacts and make sure you know your audience: send only appropriate jokes
  • Don't be creepy
  • Never tell your audience that something is funny, or explain why they should laugh
  • Try and depreciate yourself humorically, while trying to address a serious community problem
  • Tell funny stories emotions nobody admits, like feelings of failure, jealousy, and loneliness and stories of bad breakups
  • Try a funny unusual sentence you never heard before: A good start is the thesaurus. Remember that Episode of `Friends` where Joey used the thesaurus on every word, for chandler and monica's child adoption recommendation ?
  • Use Visual humour, think of your material as something your audience has seen many times.
    Start your stories by something like `You remember that time when... ?`
  • Specific subjects make everything funnier, even if they are not true or not well put in your sentence: `The zippy surgeon technically drove because some monkey doubtfully slapped into a territorial painter which, became a frisky, dumb newsreader`
  • Exaggerate: `I fell on the floor, then I went to a hospital and paid a million dollars`
    Or maybe talk about how difficult your childhood was: `I was the nerdiest one in school, I couldn't get a girl with traditional ways`
  • Use funny, silly metaphores
  • Topical Humor: chose a specific topic and joke about it.

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